
The design challenge of the Seashell table consists of the use of a new material for the base: cement.
This material, often associated with the idea of ​​”heaviness and solidity”, both physically and visually, has been rethought so that it is light, but at the same time resistant. The decision to use soft and sinuous shapes is inspired by the organic shapes present in nature and, in particular, by the seashell, which, thanks to its surfaces characterized by curves and ribs, generates great structural solidity despite the incredibly fragile material of which it is composed.
In this way, cement uses a new formal and functional language, the central base offers maximum usability and, depending on the point from which it is viewed, it transforms and generates other shapes. A combination of inspiration and functionality, lightness and resistance, a table of great expressiveness, an everyday object transformed into an essential and sculptural figure to display.

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